He knows when you are sleeping, he knows when you're awake.
We're hoping these EXTRA CREEPY Santas aren't watching us AT ALL!
Here are 18 of the CREEPIEST Santas to ever live!
1. Vintage Santa might not be human! Look at the GRIP he's got on little Susan!
2. Either Santa had too much to drink on Christmas Eve, or someone clocked him. My guess is... BOTH!
3. This has to be one of the worst ones... THE MAKEUP! And why is the child in green so calm?! This Santa must be able to SMELL FEAR!
4. Another child... TOO CALM! Is this a mask?! I take it back... THIS might be the worst one yet!
5. Another very normal Santa... WAIT A MINUTE!!! WHERE ARE HIS EYES?!
6. It's customary to sit on Santa's lap... BUT NOT THIS ONE! I wouldn't turn my back to him either! Plus the makeup! Is that a rabid raccoon dressed up as Santa?!
7. Look at the fear in the eyes of these kids! That is NOT Santa! Santa doesn't wear a hood!
8. No. Just no! I don't do "Faceless, side-eye Santa! NOPE!
9. Another faceless Santa! I'm not even positive this is human! This could easily be a pile of laundry with a fake beard laying on it!
10. Santa looks PISSED... But LOOK AT HIS HANDS! These hands alone will give me nightmares!
11. This looks like the photo you'd see at the Post Office with the title "FAKE SANTA KIDNAPS 2 CHILDREN!"
12. This Santa looks like he just did AN ENTIRE BRICK OF COCAINE IN THE BACKWOODS before taking this photo!
13. Someone call 911 please! I don't know what it is, but I feel like this is illegal!
14. NOPE! NOPE! I don't do "Mummy-Faceless-Eyes-Peering-Through Santa Claus! WHY ARE THE KIDS SO CALM?! RUN KIDS!!!
15. Is this... Pope Santa? Why does he have a staff? I don't like Homemade-Suit Santa.
16. NO! NO WAY! This was a hobo they found in a park! THIS WAS NOT SANTA!
17. FINALLY! A nice, and SEXY Santa Claus... Wait! That's me! You're welcome, ladies!
Photos courtesy of: CreepySantaPhotos.com
Gifs courtesty of: Giphy.com
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