Calling all businesses, FREE public events and charities! We want to help you and give back to our local communities. It's what radio does really well.

What's going on in your business or 501c3 charity? Do you need to get the word out? We can totally help. We are amazing at doing that for local businesses!

Every Monday, Cat Country Utah is dishing out FREE business shout outs on the air! We’ll chat about your biz, hit the highlights, crack some jokes, and make sure everyone knows where to find you online or on social media. Seriously, it’s FREEEE!

DJ and Aaronee pick a handful of local businesses each week to feature on Cat Country 107.3 & 94.9. Yours could be next! Don’t miss out on this golden chance for free airtime—get in on the fun! Check us out at Cat Country 107.3 & 94.9

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We never share your info. No random sales calls either—unless you ask for one. You’re in total control. No pressure, just 100% FREE shout outs for local businesses!

All you have to do is send us an email with your business name, contact person, and the info you want us to share with our listeners. Reach out at for more details!

Plus, don’t forget to download the Cat Country Utah app! You can listen in and score FREE prizes along with your business shout outs across the state!

Want to take your free shout outs to the next level? Offer a promo giveaway from your business! The bigger the prize, the more airtime you’ll get—stretching those FREE shout outs even further!


To market and advertise your business to the local market, pick a radio station that fits your target demographic and does well on social media to really influence the local consumers. You throw the party and we will get out our big megaphone and tell the people. Let us know if you want to do any advertising or if you want your FREE shout outs.


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