The City of St. George Concert in the Park for 9/11 drew a large crowd Monday night with roughly over a hundred people showing up to Vernon Worthen Park. 

Four local artists sang patriotic songs, some their own and some originals to honor first responders who gave their lives on Sept. 11, 2001, during the tragedy that took thousands of lives. Though St. George is far from both Washington D.C. and New York where planes were crashed and civilian lives were sacrificed, the community remembers.  

Eric Dodge, Alice Ericksen, Casey Lofthouse, and Mikalene performed at the 9/11 concert and kept the crowd in both a hopeful and somber remembrance of that day 22 years ago. 

The music varied from old country courtesy of Lofthouse, R&B sung by Ericksen, traditional patriotic songs from Mikalene, and originals by Dodge.  

The St. George community was enraptured by the performances and some songs even compelled a few audience members to come up and dance. Though not your traditional 9/11 performance, the community was able to be engaged beyond swaying phone lights.  

However, that did happen during Ericksen’s performance.  

“We were asked by my friend Eric. Eric was asked first and then he put it all together and asked me, Alice, and Casey to do this. I was like, absolutely, because I love our country,” Mikalene said. “I love coming together and doing what I can to serve the community. I felt like me performing was a way to give back in just a small way. Especially when it comes to the patriotic songs like knowing the lyrics to the national anthem, singing God bless America, God Bless the USA. Those songs that really evoke the love for our country. I think that's important. I'm grateful I can do that.” 

Every year thousands of Americans gather to remember 9/11 no matter where they are in the country. The unity, horror, and shock of that day stays with many. St. George is no exception.  

Never Forget

9/11 Concert St. George 2023

On the 22nd anniversary of 9/11, St. George honors 1st Responders with a concert featuring four local artists. Over a hundred community members came.

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