It is exciting to have something you create go viral. This filmmaker from Utah could take it to a new level by racking up millions of views when the eyes of the world are focused on the Super Bowl.

Doritos Brings Back Their Commercial Contest

This year the chip brand brought back their "Crash the Super Bowl" contest where fans can make and enter a commercial that will play during the big game. Not only that, they also get a million dollars and tickets to New Orleans to watch.

One of the many entries comes from Utah where Daylen Pollard and his team produced a 30 second spot that has made it to the final round. It has been picked from thousands to be in the last 25. From this, three will be chosen to be voted on by fans.

A man running with animals chasing him
The animals chase the man holding Doritos.’21”

His take on Noah trying to load up the animals two by two before the rains come could be the winner. It was shot in Utah and features some pretty good effects.

How to Get All Those Animals in the Ark

When pondering the story of Noah, we often wonder how you would build a ship large enough to hold two of every kind of animal. We wonder how Noah could do it with all the people mocking him. Pollard's commercial points out another problem.

How do you get a bunch of wild animals to leave the wide open planes and enter the big wooden boat? It is like building a zoo and hoping the animals walk willingly into the cages. According to Pollard, you need a tasty snack to entice them.

I think this commercial should win for how creative it is and the animals running to the ark are awesome. The only thing I would change (I know, there's always a critic) is the joke at the end.

Read More: Discover the Magic: Stunning Holiday Movie Filmed in Utah

In the last frame I would have Noah's son eating the chips outside the ark while the rain falls and the water rises to his knees. It would then pan to the animal glaring out the windows grudgingly.

LOOK: Which movies were filmed in Utah?

Stacker compiled a list of movies filmed in Utah using data from Movie Locations, with additional information about each film collected from IMDb.

Gallery Credit: Stacker