Does America need smaller theme parks for our shorter attention spans? A new concept now open in Utah takes guests to another world while shopping at the mall. Here’s a look at Dreamwalk Park in Orem. 

Creating an Easily Accessible Theme Park 

It is always fun to take the family to one of those big theme parks in California or Florida, but it is a big commitment of time and money. A group of innovators in Utah has come up with a solution.

It is a micro theme park that can take you to another world without the travel and expense. This is a place you can take the family and experience in an afternoon.

Dreamwalk is the creation of a filmmaker, an artist, and a set designer. You can find out about it at their website. It features rooms and hallways filled with other worldly lights and attractions.  

Their Description of Dreamwalk Park:  

Step through the Dreamwalk Portal and discover worlds you’ve only dreamed of. 

It is an explosion of creativity that you can interact with. Lights, robots, and giant mushrooms are just the beginning of this experience. The creators were careful to fill every space with detail and new things to discover.

Mushrooms lit up in pink
Walking Through Dreamwalk Park.

What do you think? Is the micro-theme park fill a need for families who want a different entertaining experience that is more accessible?  

Read More: Vacate For Free Utah In Nearby Las Vegas

What follows are pictures from this unique attraction. 

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Gallery Credit: Marco