Woolley Mammoth Found in Utah

Big hairy elephants walked this part of the earth in prehistoric times. Do you know where Woolley Mammoth bones were located in Utah? The next time you zoom past this part of the state, you should take a detour and include a visit to the site and a stop at the museum.  


It is in Fairview, Utah in Sanpete County. It was nearby in Huntington Canyon where a man named Chris Nielson was using a bulldozer to work on the Huntington Dam, when he unearthed a tusk and a leg bone of the Mammoth.  

They called in a paleontologist from Utah State University, and they carefully recovered the rest of the skeleton. This all happened in 1988 and it was a big find:  

Mr. Nielson uncovered what was later found to be the front leg bone or the humerus, and a section of the tusk. Much to the delight of everyone concerned, the skeleton was 90% complete. 


The Fairview Museum of History and Art features huge mammoth bones reconstructed in the center of the building. The display is impressive. The bones standing in the flora and fauna from 10,000 years ago when the Mammoth roamed the lands of Utah.  


The museum also houses art and history of the area. 


You can also travel 18 miles to the place where the Woolley Mammoth bones were first discovered.  There you can find information that points you to the spot. 


You may have never been to Fairview, Utah or possibly even heard of it. If you have some future paleontologist in your family, it is worth the visit.

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Stacker, set out to compile a definitive list of every Disneyland attraction you can enjoy today and ranked them by their age. Using real-time data from Touring Plans, Disney archives, and historical news releases and reviews, our list starts with exciting recent park additions and stretches back to the oldest opening-day classics. This list focuses on the original Disneyland Park, so you will not see any rides from its neighboring California Adventure located just across the promenade. Read on to discover the oldest Disneyland rides you can still ride today.

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