Red Flags Found In Southern Utah’s Dating Scene
Dating in this day and age is pretty much the worst, and Facebook groups like “is THIS your man? Southern Utah” proves it.
Don’t get me wrong, I know that dating apps are an issue, and miscommunication is at an all-time high but that doesn’t tell me WHY men are being posted so often on this page. If you aren’t familiar, it's a Facebook group for women in Southern Utah to help with finding out about potential dates. Make sure they aren’t serial killers, married, etc...
Unfortunately, most men posted on the page are either in a relationship (sometimes married), terrible dates only after one thing, or just kind of...odd.
Now, please don’t take this as me being a hater of men. I’m not but the dating scene here is the worst and I can attest to that. If you are a part of the aforementioned Facebook group, you know it too.
So, with all that in mind let's list some of the most common red flags found in the area when dating comes to mind.
- Texts you sporadically. Several women have posted a guy(s) whose communication has been off. Not to worry, most of the time he is either married or in a relationship and you’ll find out soon.
- Not respecting boundaries. Just a day ago, a woman posted about a man she had decided to go out with after posting to the “is THIS your man? Southern Utah” page who received “good reviews” from female friends and relatives. The guys wouldn’t take no for answer and attempted to coerce the woman to get physical multiple times. Gross.
- Uninterested. Women have been posting about men who are “boring” or rather uninterested in getting to know them. Asking questions, initiating dates, etc. are all things they won’t do.
- Moving too fast. Guys who don’t want to take time to get to know you before you meet up. They’re everywhere and just prefer “face to face”.
These are just a few of the examples of men who have been posted, and chances are that at least one person you know is on there. Is this right or wrong? I couldn’t tell you, but it has helped me dodge a few red flags.
"Are We Dating the Same Guy?" + 27 Other Interesting Idaho Facebook Groups
- In 2017, 100 million users said they belonged to groups they found "very meaningful." By 2019, that number had grown to 400 million.
- 50 percent of Facebook users belong to at least five groups.
- Driven by trends, branding, and offline communities and businesses with a need for an online presence, there are tens of millions of Facebook groups today.
- Nearly 100 percent of users say Facebook groups foster a sense of belonging and a place to talk about important issues.
Gallery Credit: Ryan Valenzuela