First I will say I do not want to be vegan. I love butter, leather and a great hamburger. But I do understand that we should use animals in gratitude and not over do it. Eating meat sparingly is great for your overall health. Eating meat is actually rough on your system. It literally makes you warmer and it stays in your gut longer which can screw up your digestion. Planning a day or 2 a week where you go vegan with your meals can give your system a break and clean out your gut. 

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Vegans do not consume any animal products or by-products. This includes meat (such as beef, pork, and poultry), dairy products (like milk, cheese, and butter), eggs, and any other ingredients derived from animals. Additionally, many vegans avoid foods that contain hidden animal-derived components, such as certain additives, gelatin, and some food colorings. In essence, vegans exclude all forms of animal exploitation from their diet.

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Veganism is a lifestyle and dietary choice. This decision is usually motivated by ethical concerns about animal welfare, environmental considerations, and health reasons. This is where I would lose the game- Vegans often extend their commitment beyond food, avoiding products that involve animal testing and materials like leather, wool, and silk. I wouldn't have any shoes to wear. The aim is to promote a compassionate and sustainable way of living, requiring careful attention to product labels and a conscious effort to avoid all forms of animal exploitation.

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Vegetarians do not consume meat, which includes beef, pork, poultry, and seafood. Unlike vegans, vegetarians may still consume animal by-products such as dairy products (milk, cheese, butter, etc.) and eggs. Some vegetarians may also choose to exclude other animal-derived products like gelatin or rennet, depending on their personal beliefs and preferences. The focus of vegetarianism is primarily on avoiding the consumption of flesh from animals while varying degrees of animal by-product consumption might be present depending on the specific type of vegetarian diet.

So what CAN you eat????

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You can eat plenty of fruit, nuts, seeds, legumes, oils and vegetables. Ah bird food you say? The internet is FULL of recipes to make going vegan one day a week, a breeze. 

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I like to make sure we eat several courses when we do a vegan day. We start with a salad that I always put some seeds on and sometimes nuts too.

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Then I add a roasted, BBQed or baked vegetable. Kabobs are delicious as are, baked potatoes, baked beans and roasted veggies.

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Here are a few meals I have made:

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Pasta with capers, garlic, onions, basil, thyme, oregano, tomatoes, lemon juice, olive oil and nutritional yeast (tastes like cheese but you get your B vitamins in).

This was one of my lunches:


Sooo good and sooo filling. Here is the list of what I ate.

Grapefruit juice

Loaded veggie soup

Sauerkraut/ pickled asparagus/ garlic and jalapeno stuffed olives

Mixed greens hot chocolate

Avocado toast and strawberry rhubarb jalapeno toast

Here is another meal I made of on one of my vegan days:


Veggie quinoa. This is filling and delicious. My husband and all my kids love this one.

Quinoa and any steamed or boiled veggies you want. I used what was in my fridge which was cabbage, celery, carrots and cauliflower with basil, parsley, chives, garlic (fresh or powdered), nutritional yeast, red pepper flakes and avocado oil. Salt and pepper to taste.

And we always love popcorn and honey cinnamon nuts on the vegan days. Delicious.

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I like the ease on my pocket book and the health benefits of going vegan once or twice a week. I have easily convinced my family that switching out vegan meals a couple of days a week is very simple and they don't feel like they are missing out on flavor.

Check out these massive benefits to going vegan only once a week! 

Adopting a vegan diet even for just one day a week, commonly known as "Meatless Monday" or participating in a "vegan day," can offer some health benefits. While the impact may not be as significant as adopting a full-time vegan lifestyle, incorporating plant-based meals into your diet on a regular basis can still have positive effects on your health. Some potential benefits include:

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  • Increased Consumption of Nutrient-Rich Foods: Going vegan for a day can encourage you to consume more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. These foods are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and dietary fiber, which can support overall health.
  • Reduced Saturated Fat Intake:
    Basil pesto pasta
    Basil pesto pasta
  • Lower Caloric Intake: Many plant-based foods are naturally lower in calories compared to their animal-based counterparts. Incorporating more plant-based meals into your diet can help manage weight and support weight loss goals.
  • Better Digestion:
    Veggie ramen with mushrooms
    Veggie ramen with mushrooms
    Potential Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases:
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    Remember that the health benefits of a vegan day are more pronounced when combined with an overall balanced and nutritious diet. It's important to plan well to ensure you're still meeting your nutritional needs, especially for nutrients that are commonly found in animal products, such as vitamin B12, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids. If you're considering making significant dietary changes, consulting a healthcare professional or registered dietitian is recommended to ensure you're making choices that align with your individual health goals and needs.

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