celebrities that live in Utah

Jelly Roll LOVES Utah: Reveals Plans To Move To The State!
Jelly Roll LOVES Utah: Reveals Plans To Move To The State!
Jelly Roll LOVES Utah: Reveals Plans To Move To The State!
Country artist, Jelly Roll, kicked off his Beautifully Broken tour in Salt Lake City last night. While performing, Jelly Roll revealed his loved for the State of Utah. JELLY ROLL LOVES UTAH: "I gotta take a second to go off script. I could ...
WOW: 11 Celebrities That Have Called Utah “Home”!
WOW: 11 Celebrities That Have Called Utah “Home”!
WOW: 11 Celebrities That Have Called Utah “Home”!
If you're reading this, there's a GOOD CHANCE that you call Utah "home". You probably see the beauty in the state and know that it's a wonderful place to live and raise a family. A lot of the time, Utah is the butt of the joke, though. But to THESE celebrities...
HUGE Celebrities You’d NEVER GUESS Live In Utah!
HUGE Celebrities You’d NEVER GUESS Live In Utah!
HUGE Celebrities You’d NEVER GUESS Live In Utah!
If you're reading this, there's a GOOD CHANCE that you call Utah "home". You probably see the beauty in the state and know that it's a wonderful place to live and raise a family. A lot of the time, Utah is the butt of the joke, though. But to THESE celebrities...