lds church

St. George Drivers Have Been Driving Past HISTORY Without Even Knowing!
St. George Drivers Have Been Driving Past HISTORY Without Even Knowing!
St. George Drivers Have Been Driving Past HISTORY Without Even Knowing!
For a lot of people in living in St. George, they use I-15 everyday. I'm one of those people. But, were you aware that we're driving past some REALLY COOL HISTORY everyday? There are some rock carvings just off I-15 that are over 165 years old...
What Mormon Prophets Would Look Like With Modern Day Haircuts
What Mormon Prophets Would Look Like With Modern Day Haircuts
What Mormon Prophets Would Look Like With Modern Day Haircuts
Whether you grew up LDS (Mormon) or not, you've probably seen at least a couple Prophets of the LDS church. Now, they all have fairly normal, boring haircuts, right? Well, back in the day it was a LITTLE DIFFERENT! You'd see Prophets with huge beards, or maybe a little bit longer hair...

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