Michele Randall

People Are THRILLED! New Store Coming To Old K-Mart Building In St. George
People Are THRILLED! New Store Coming To Old K-Mart Building In St. George
People Are THRILLED! New Store Coming To Old K-Mart Building In St. George
St. George... ARE YOU READY? Today the mayor of St. George, Michele Randall, announced that HOBBY LOBBY will be coming to the city! Hobby Lobby will be in the St. George Place. It's not completely clear which building the new Hobby Lobby will be in, but it's assumed that it's in the old abandoned K-Mart building...
Ranking The HOTTEST Mayors In St. George History
Ranking The HOTTEST Mayors In St. George History
Ranking The HOTTEST Mayors In St. George History
Look... I appreciate history. Especially the history of my hometown, St. George, Utah. Another thing I can appreciate... HOTTNESS! I will now be ranking the Hottest Mayors in the history of St. George, Utah. If you also appreciate history and hottness, this list is for YOU...