YES! Better Ideas For Utah’s State Flag!
The new Utah Flag has been out for a while now and of course people aren't happy about it. I believe it's a TON better than the old one! The old Utah Flag was INCREDIBLY BUSY! The old flag featured: A circle, two arrows, two American flags, "1896", "1847", "Utah", "Industry", Bees flying, An Eagle holding 6 more arrows, a beehive on a shelf, sego Lillies, all on a dark blue background. SO MUCH GOING ON!
The New state flag is much simpler. Dark blue skies, white mountains, red bottom representing the red cliffs in Utah, a star, and a beehive. But like I said earlier... People are still not happy with it.
Utah's most glorious commodity, FRY SAUCE! Throw that on a flag. That's something we can all agree on. The background is half red for ketchup, and half white for the mayonnaise, creating the glorious sauce that's home is Utah.
Here in Utah, we are the Beehive State. So, of course we have a beehive front and center. But there's also drippy honey from the top, all on top of a Utah Beehive!
This one has it all. The blue skies that you'll see everywhere (Besides Salt Lake City... Inversion), Utah Mountains lined in Gold, the red dirt that you'll see all over the state! Sign me up for this one!
This flag is tough and feels like a team logo. It's also very simple too. It's all about the Bee and the hive behind it. Gold and black for the bees, and also for the gold found in Utah. Plus 1896 for the year we became a state.
Again, another simple flag for our state. It's a gold flag representing the gold in the state as well as the Golden Spike that completed the first Transcontinental Railroad in Utah called the Pacific Railroad.

The PERFECT Places For Trader Joe's In St. George
Everyone has been begging for a Trader Joe's to land in St. George. To be completely honest... I wasn't one of them. I just figured it was another grocery store that sells the same stuff as every other store. Until this weekend.
This weekend I was in Las Vegas and my Aunt asked me to stop and buy her these cookies at Trader Joe's. So, I found one in Henderson and pulled up. I went inside and bought the cookies and NOW I'M A HUGE BELIEVER! BRING US A TRADER JOE'S!
These are the BEST LOCATIONS for Trader Joe's to land in St. George!
The beautiful thing about a Trader Joe's is that it's NOT huge on the inside. It's actually a pretty small little market, and this size could work. It's a little small, but I'll take what I can get at this point. It's right in town, and I think it would be packed all the time!
This would be great! It's a lot bigger than most Trader Joe's, but it could definitely work! Also, I feel like the places that are in that shopping center by In-N-Out are struggling anyway. How long can a Best Buy & Kohl's TRULY survive in 2024? Trader Joe's would absolutely stay in business! We need it!
This would be the ABSOLUTE PERFECT location for Trader Joe's in St. George. Unfortunately, Hive Therapy is now in that location, so maybe we can find them a perfect spot to move to, and Trader Joe's can fill that spot!

WHOA! This Place Has The Cheapest Gas In Town... BY FAR!
It's the holiday season, and we're all spending (probably) WAY TOO MUCH money! But suddenly, you realize your car needs gas. UGH! It's so expensive! In St. George the gas prices fluctuate from about $3.50 - $3.19... UNITL NOW!
Today, I found a gas station that is selling gas for WAY CHEAPER than everywhere else in town: The Shivwits Convenience Store on Highway 91. They're located at 5861 W Old Hwy 91, Ivins, Utah. The price of Regular Unleaded: $3.04!
This gas station is selling gas for at least $0.15 cheaper than ANYWHERE ELSE in St. George. Not only will you get cheap gas, but you'll also have one of the best views in all of Southern Utah. On Thursdays, they also have one-cent-per-ounce fountain drinks, and FREE Popcorn on Fridays!
At the Shivwits Convenience Store, they're also a smoke shop, and they sell handmade items, like Native beaded jewelry and Dream Catchers! They've been serving Southern Utah since 2014, and it's time we drop by and give them our business, and fill our cars up for MUCH CHEAPER than anywhere else in town!

Win A Mesquite, Nevada Getaway By Playing Sinking The Battleship!
You can win a getaway to the Eureka Resort in Mesquite, Nevada by playing a childhood game on the radio station. The game is Battleship, and the radio station is Cat County Utah with DJ & Aaronee. You can find the radio station at 107.3 in St. George and 94.9 EVERYWHERE in Southern Utah.
Tuesday-Friday mornings around 8am, DJ & Aaronee will kickoff Battleship! It's as simple as calling in and taking a guess. If you get a HIT on the battleship, you get another guess. If you MISS, we're onto the next caller. Whoever has the shot that SINKS the battleship WINS THE PRIZE! So far, three prizes have been won on Cat Country Utah, but the big one is still there!
This is only ONE game that's played with DJ & Aaronee, and everyday a new game is played!
Games are played around 7:40am each morning!

EW: Southern Utah Candles That Will Make You Gag Or Smile
If you're from Southern Utah and you've moved away, I've got the perfect gift for you! A Candle that reminds you of home. With Southern Utah Candle Co., you can have some of the most famous smells of Southern Utah right in the comfort of your own home!
Here are the TOP candles inspired by Southern Utah smells that you can have today:
Staheli Family Farm:
It's the smell of Autumn in Southern Utah! The Cow poop, the alfalfa, the pumpkins, the corn, the dirt. MMM! Imagine walking into your house and you feel like you're at the farm!
Sue's Pet Castle:
It's a mix of dirty animal, and fish tanks, and puppy breath. Maybe the most recognizable smell in ALL of Southern Utah. Who wouldn't want their house to smell like Sue's Pet Castle?
La Verkin Hot Springs:
Every time you cross that bridge in La Verkin, you always ask "Alright, who farted?!" No... It's not fart. It's nature! The Hot Pots can fill your home!
Inside Deseret Industries (The D.I.):
It doesn't matter what D.I. you step into, they ALL smell the exact same! It's actually kind of incredible. But you don't need to go to the D.I. everyday to get your fix. You can buy this candle and get the smell right in your living room everyday!
Casablanca, Mesquite!:
I'm not even joking when I say that I LOVE this smell! The smell of a casino is smokey, but they try to cover it up... it just smells like WINNING! I love it!
Washington Cotton:
Possibly the most normal candle on the list, the Cotton in Washington City! Have you ever driven down Telegraph and the cotton is blowing off the trees? It looks like a winter wonderland. It's awesome!
Dixie Round-Up Rodeo:
It's my favorite time of the year! Rodeo time at the Sun Bowl. Cow poop, dirty animals, hotdogs, and nachos! Your house will be the BEST SMELLING house on the entire block!
Red Fort Cuisine of India:
Your house can smell like one of St. George's most FINEST restaurants: Indian Food! Have you ever had someone reheat Indian Food in the microwave at work? It's awesome, and your house can smell just like it!
St. George Red Dirt:
My sister Tara is OBSESSED with the smell of the Red Dirt here in St. George! As a kid, she would be caught eating the dirt. Still to this day, when it rains, she can smell the dirt and she starts craving it again! She needs this candle for her entire house to smell like RED DIRT!
If The LDS Church Made THESE CHANGES... Attendance Will SKYROCKET!
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