10 Slang Words Only People From Utah Know!
Stake Center:
Don't get your hopes up! You're not about to end up at Texas Roadhouse or Outback Steakhouse, you're actually probably not going to get any food at all! A Stake Center in Utah is a big church. This big church is somehow kind of in charge of the smaller churches in the area. Think of it like the "Big Brother" of the churches, and sometimes you meet at Big Brother's house with all of your other siblings... or churches in the area.
Fire Side:
This one threw me off the first time I attended: If you're invited to a Fire Side, It probably won't be outside in the woods, there WON'T be a fire, and the marshmallows that you brought for the fire will not be toasted! This is a meeting where a lot of younger people will go and hear speeches. Would it really hurt to throw in ONE campfire?! Come on!
The Church:
There are HUNDREDS or even THOUSANDS of different religions in this world, and tons of different church buildings on earth. However, when you're in Utah and someone references "The Church", 99% of the time, they're talking about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, formerly known as the "Mormon Church".
When attending a church activity like... Scouts, or maybe a baby blessing, or even a baptism, you'll usually be invited for "Refreshments" or even worse... "Light Refreshments". It means food... But never real food. It's usually like a Fresca and cookie or something.
This one is very simple. Exmo is someone that is no longer a member of the LDS Church. A few years ago, they were called Mormons, so when people left, they were Ex-Mormons, which was shortened down to Exmo. But now, they don't like to be called Mormons, so This term should be changed to Ex-Member Of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints.
This one has come up a lot! Sluffing is when you ditch class, or a meeting. Like if someone were to say "Let's Sluff class today!", it just means "Let's not go to to class today!" That's the word I've always used, but I've heard from a lot of people that they've never heard that word before coming to Utah!
Suicide Lane:
Another one that surprises me. The Suicide Lane is the "Emergency Lane" or "Turn Lane" in the middle of the street. I have no idea where the term "Suicide Lane" came from. Maybe it's from the old people that travel down that lane without any knowledge of where they're even going!
Jockey Box:
The Jockey Box or the "Gin-Bin" as my Grandpa used to call it, is more commonly known as the Glove Box in the car in front of the front passenger seat. Gin-Bin makes great sense to me now that I'm older and realize that would be a place people would keep their gin... WHILE THEY DRIVE! But why Jockey Box? No clue on this one.
To Biff something means you were walking, running, skating, rollerblading, or anything else athletic, and you suddenly fall and hit the ground really hard! You just BIFFED! It's also been called Beefing, or "Eating It!"
The one that comes up the most only is "Soaking". This is a very adult term, but I'm actually going to explain it to everyone here. This is usually an act that happens at Brigham Young University, the very religious LDS school, where sexual intercourse isn't allowed. Some believe if they man inserts his.... into the woman's ..... and there is NO MOVEMENT... then a sin hasn't been committed. Instead the man's (area) is just "Soaking" inside the woman's area. It also doesn't stop there. I've heard of instances where they will enlist in help of friends to BOUNCE THE MATTRESS to make the bodies move, hence feeling better while soaking. But, they believe they haven't sinned, because they're not actually the ones moving. Look, it makes no sense, alright? But they're having fun!
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