Cedar City Plant This Magic Healing Herb Right Now!
This herb is most often looked at as a pesky weed but it has great medicinal value. In our area we like to work and play outdoors. Small scrapes, stings and bug bites are the norm. You've probably already seen this herb and plucked it out of a walkway or garden.
Plantain! It is a great herb that has been shown to help speed healing and relieve minor pain. How cool is that? This stuff just grows in the wild for us to use. Nature rocks.
Plantain is also known for reducing inflammation and blocking microbial growth. So that makes it great for smaller scrapes and cuts. I've also heard of studies that show it can be used for digestive issues. Herbs are cool. When you use herbs sometimes it can take awhile to see the effects of usage. With Plantain, I get immediate relief when I use it on stings and bites. I make it into a salve and store it in the fridge. You can also make it into a tea or a tincture.
I use the salve on my daughter for some severe eczema flare ups. It doesn't cure it but calms it down a lot. To make a salve I just crush the leaves and pour a cup of hot water over them and let it sit for 20 mins or so. It's high level science around here. hahah Then I strain it and heat some bees wax on low heat. Then I add shea butter and some of the strained liquid. mix up and pour into a contain and let cool. It is awesome. I like more of a lotion consistency. If you want it thicker you can just add more beeswax until you get the desired thickness.

One of the coolest things I got to be a part of is raising money for Mrs. Song. On Cat Country 107.3 & 94.9 we do fundraisers for a lot of local events and non profits but this time it struck even closer to home for me.

We used to live in Mrs. Song's neighborhood and she was the Chinese teacher for my youngest kid. We know her. We love her. We haven't lived close for a few years and we were so sad to hear the news that she was diagnosed with stage 4 Lymphoma. Mrs. Song is from China and has been teaching Chinese at Bloomington elementary for several years. She has no family here and her husband is still in China working on a visa to get here. She lives alone and her work family was very worried about her going through treatments with no family at home. They started a gofundme to raise funds for her treatment. I was touched by their concern and care. By the time I saw the gofundme it had already reached it's goal and they hadn't raised it yet.
I wanted to do more so I went on the Radio to tell her story and our listeners helped me come up with things we could do to make her feel like she isn't alone and that she is loved. We asked for those that have been through chemo/radiation to let us know things that seemed to help them. We immediately got a ton of response! We had texts giving us ideas like making sure she had plenty of blankets to make it a week+ before doing a load of wash. Another idea was sending fresh flowers every week to keep a bit of color and freshness in her house.
One of the best ideas, in my opinion, was to get a house cleaner that could come whenever she is comfortable and do some deep cleaning and maybe the dishes that will pile up in the sink when she doesn't feel well. Then listeners started asking if they could donate. ♥ Within an hour we had received over $600. It made me tear up. By the end of the day another $100 came in when people had time to donate.
I delivered a beautiful plant/arrangement to let her know we were thinking about her. We talked about how $5 adds up fast and it sure did this time! It was incredible to see that many donations come in to brighten someone's day.
I ordered flowers to come every week until she is done with her scheduled treatments. We got cleaners set up and I will definitely remember that I can do something everyday to make someone's day better. Together we can make a difference.

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