In Case You Missed It; Who Is This Josh Guy? #findjosh
Who the heck is "Josh?" Do you feel lost in all of the hubbub? No worries I am here to catch you up to speed! (Whoever anonymous is that did the AI composite of "Josh" contact me so I can give you credit!)
For the better part of the last week the entire southern Utah area has been searching for "Josh." Have you seen the #findjosh and had no idea what everyone was talking about? Here's the rundown!
This story is actually about Marci Scott!! Marci, a local Kindergarten teacher, was out eating at Café Rio when she was approached by a "Josh" who thought she was a family friend named Shannon. They talked briefly and he left. He didn't have a ring on so Marci thought, hey I'm gonna shoot my shot. So she posted on facebook and in a group called St George Word Of Mouth. check out this post:
The post took off and and everyone in the St George, Utah and surrounding area was, ON. THE. HUNT! Check out all of Aaronee's screen shots of St George Word Of Mouth.
DJ from Cat Country 107.3 & 94.9 immediately posted it to our facebook page. And then we changed our name in a fun solidarity to the massive event happening before our eyes.
Then we came up with a great little game and everyone joined in. hahahh Our community rocks!
Too much fun being had = great radio and fun giveaways.
Then businesses started offering discounts and free food to "Josh"
And more offers!
Then businesses started offering Marci free stuff too. It was a great way to advertise your business and join in the fun!
And then the creativity of southern Utah really took over. There were hundreds of posts and references for #findjosh The community banned together. It was so fun and one of the best inside jokes I've seen in a long time. It was a very refreshing break from the complaining that can sometimes go on too long. We were playing a game together. We were all VERY invested in the real time, modern day, soap opera.
I love that Marci kept it going with her replies to all of the posts she saw. It made it so personal and fun.
Someone even went to AI to get a composite for Josh to help us in our search. Brilliant! hahahah
It took on a life of it's own. You can keep scrolling to check out a ton of posts and get all caught up. The level of investment and creativity is 10/10 People were searching all over the world. See the posts below!
People were out and about searching......
They are looking in Japan????
And in Seattle!
Montana too!
This is just great. the fun just keeps going. keep scrolling for some of the best #findjosh mems and posts.
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