Unless you've been living under a rock the last week... You've probably been on the hunt for #FindJosh!
A quick synopsis:
Last week, Marci, a local kindergarten teacher was at Cafe Rio when a man named Josh approached her mistaking her for Sharron, a family friend. After talking with Josh for a few minutes, Josh was gone. Like a fart in the wind. Marci then took to social media to search for "Josh". Suddenly, the #FindJosh search was born!
Businesses have put "Where's Josh?" on their marquee boards. People have been making videos calling out for Josh to reveal himself. Cat Country 107.3 & 94.9 changed their name to Josh Country 107.3 & 94.9. There's even free food and services for people named Josh. This search grew like wild fire!
Wednesday night... Josh was finally located! The moment we've all waited for was here. Was Josh going to be single? Was Josh going to be gay? We had so many questions.
Thursday Morning at 7:45am on Josh Country 107.3 & 94.9, Marci was live with DJ & Aaronee to break the news to everyone... Josh is married. 350 Live viewers of Southern Utah joined in on the Live Video on Facebook to watch the news break.
People wondered... Why was Josh not wearing his wedding ring? Does Josh live in town? How does Josh's wife feel about this whole thing?
All these questions WILL BE ANSWERED as there will be ANOTHER LIVE EVENT with Josh (Hopefully on Zoom broadcasted on Facebook Live!). The Facebook Live will take place sometime Thursday night ONLY ON Cat Country 107.3 & 94.9 on Facebook!
Josh will finally be revealed and questions from viewers will be answered!
Go now! Follow Cat Country 107.3 & 94.9 on Facebook and DON'T MISS ANYTHING!
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