REAL Facts About Utah That Are Actually Hard To Believe
It's no surprise, Utah is America's favorite state! Here are some FACTS about The Beehive State that sound 100% made up!
Utah has the YOUNGEST population in the nation!
It's true! When you think Utah, you may think OLD TIMERS, RETIRED PEOPLE, GRANDPARENTS! But approximately 30% of Utah is under 18 years old! Utah's average age of the population is 31.5 years old! The next closest is Texas at 35.2. Maine comes in at the oldest in the country with an average age of 45!
Utah is home to the OLDEST theme park in the USA!
Lagoon, baby! Lagoon opened it's doors in 1886! Shoot-the-Chutes was the first ride, a boat ride going down a ramp, splashing into the water! Literally 137 years old! Grover Cleveland was the Pres!
Gayest City in America?
That's right! Salt Lake City was named America's GAYEST city in 2012 by Advocate.com. Salt Lake already has a HUGE Pride Parade every June, but they also had International Mr. Leather semifinalist, nude yoga classes, an LGBT bookstore, and Sundance Festival.
The first KFC was in Utah!
The Colonel lived in Utah? That's right! The first KFC is located at 3890 S. State Street, in Salt Lake City. The name 'Kentucky Fried Chicken' actually came from the painter that was creating a sign for 'Harman's Cafe', and the name KFC stuck!
MOST of Utah has very clean, pretty air but NOT Salt Lake City. On August 6, 2021, Salt Lake City had THE WORST AIR QUALITY in the entire WORLD! That inversion will GETCHA!

The MOST UTAH Names Ever... Is Your Name On The List?
If you hear these names, your ears might perk up: YOU KNOW THEY HAVE TO BE FROM UTAH!
These are the MOST UTAH names ever!
1. Afton
Peak Popularity Year: 1916
How Unique: 60x more popular in Utah than any other state.
My cousins middle name is Afton, but besides that... I've NEVER met an Afton before! Granted, it was most popular 107 years ago, it's not THAT surprising that I haven't met many Aftons!
2. McKell
Peak Popularity Year: 1991
How Unique: 131x more popular in Utah than any other state.
This one is especially hilarious because I KNOW A MCKELL BORN IN 1991! There's a million different spellings but they all count. McKell, Mikelle, Mickelle.
3. McCall
Peak Popularity Year: 1994
How Unique: 105x more popular in Utah than any other state.
Following close on the heals of McKell is McCall! For the moms that like McKell but wanted to be a little more UNIQUE. I can't tell you how many McCalls I know! The list is LONG!
4. Taylee
Peak Popularity Year: 2012
How Unique: 86x more popular in Utah than any other state.
This FEELS very Utah. I know a handful of young girls named Taylee, but NONE my age. They're all under 10, which makes sense. Peak popularity was 11 years ago.
1. Dallin
Peak Popularity Year: 1997
How Unique: 67x more popular in Utah than any other state.
Yes, yes, and more yes! I know SO MANY Dallins, Dallens, Dalyns!
2. McKay
Peak Popularity Year: 1995
How Unique: 98x more popular in Utah than any other state.
McKay follows ONE YEAR after McCall, and 4 years after McKell. Let me tell you... The 90's had TONS of kids running around here with totally similar names.
3. Bridger
Peak Popularity Year: 2009
How Unique: 55x more popular in Utah than any other state.
This name never made sense to me. Bridger? Like someone that... Builds bridges? With that said... I definitely know at least 5 Bridgers.
4. Ammon
Peak Popularity Year: 2001
How Unique: 67x more popular in Utah than any other state.
I'm really surprised Ammon was popular only 22 years ago. I would've thought this was most popular like 40 years ago! If someone told me their name was Ammon I would AUTOMATICALLY assume they come from an extremely religious family.

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