Solar Powered Leaf Blower?
After choking on smog in the Salt Lake City “inversions” for years, I developed an appreciation for our clean air in Southern Utah and I want to help protect it. I didn’t think lawnmowers and leaf blowers were any big deal but I read that the emissions from running a mower for an hour is equivalent to driving a car for 45 miles. So, I’d planned on switching to an electric unit when it comes time for a new mower... someday.
I have two leaf blowers that have been through a lot so when they started acting up, I was weighing what I thought it might cost to get them both serviced against buying an electric leaf blower with a battery pack.
I did a little research and some shopping around and found an electric leaf blower with a CFM of 90 for $125. CFM I’m guessing is Cubic Feet per Minute and I found out 90 is about like having your cat breathe on you.
I went up a notch or two in price and found a battery pack leaf blower with a CFM of 125 = Cat sneezing on you.
The more robust leaf blowers cost $325 but blast out 450 CFM!!! NOW we're talking!
The same unit with a backup battery sells for over $500. Since my cordless drill is the same brand and I already have two batteries that fit, I opted for the standard package without the backup batteries.
Very disappointed. While it’s GREAT that there’s no pull starting nightmare - you just pull the trigger and go - it only lasted about 10 minutes or so. For most of what I use this for, it will be OK. Like clearing the sidewalk after I mow. But when raking leaves in the fall, I need 2 or 3 HOURS + and there’s never been a BATTERY made to handle that. 🙁
I have become a big believer in solar energy since we moved into our house that came with solar panels already installed. Our power bills are somewhere between $9 - $30 per month. I'll be money ahead in no time using free energy from the sky, right?
I was thrilled that I could recharge the battery for this leaf blower and not buy gas or chug out more emissions. But since the battery pack leaf blower can’t handle a big fall leaf project, I guess I'm not quite there on powering my leaf blower with my solar panels. But someday.