
How To Work With A VERY MORMON Co-Worker!
How To Work With A VERY MORMON Co-Worker!
How To Work With A VERY MORMON Co-Worker!
If you grew up in Southern Utah, or moved here recently... You've probably found yourself working along side an EXTREMELY MORMON co-worker! This can be a very unique experience if you're not prepared for it. I work with a VERY Mormon co-worker every single day...
Utah Being Represented At The Super Bowl!
Utah Being Represented At The Super Bowl!
Utah Being Represented At The Super Bowl!
If you're not a Kansas City Chiefs fan, nor a Philadelphia Eagles fan... It may have been a hard Super Bowl to watch. You don't have a horse in the race! Or maybe you HATE the Chiefs, so you want the Eagles to win, or vice versa! Sometimes you've got to get creative on WHO you're going to root for...