tv shows

90’s Sitcoms: Where The Families Would Live In St. George, Utah
90’s Sitcoms: Where The Families Would Live In St. George, Utah
90’s Sitcoms: Where The Families Would Live In St. George, Utah
IF you're like me, you grew up watching sitcoms. Maybe you'd run home from school and turn one on, or you'd sit with your family on Friday nights and watch TGIF on ABC. Maybe you'd say their catch phrases in your everyday life... like "You got it, dude...
CONTROVERSIAL: TV Show Filmed In St. George Wins Emmy (PHOTOS)
CONTROVERSIAL: TV Show Filmed In St. George Wins Emmy (PHOTOS)
CONTROVERSIAL: TV Show Filmed In St. George Wins Emmy (PHOTOS)
The Max show "We're Here" has won 4 Emmy Awards, two of which are the St. George episode! We're Here is about 3 former Drag Show contestants that go to different cities and help queer people with some issues, dress them up, and have a big drag show for the community...
5 Times St. George, Utah Was Famous On HUGE TV Shows!
5 Times St. George, Utah Was Famous On HUGE TV Shows!
5 Times St. George, Utah Was Famous On HUGE TV Shows!
Being born and raised in St. George, Utah, anytime I watch a movie or a show that mentions "Utah" my ears perk up a bit. But there's been a few times "St. George, Utah" has been mentioned on these TV Shows and I stop EVERYTHING that I'm doing and pay attention...
Times St. George, Utah Was Mentioned On HUGE TV Shows!
Times St. George, Utah Was Mentioned On HUGE TV Shows!
Times St. George, Utah Was Mentioned On HUGE TV Shows!
1. Breaking Bad: Breaking Bad... The GREATEST show of all time mentions St. George, Utah! THAT'S RIGHT! ST. GEORGE, UTAH WAS IN BREAKING BAD... Kinda. Remember the NOTORIOUS Plane Crash where things were falling from the skies and the entire city of Albuquerque was morning...
Utah's Favorite "Guilty Pleasure" TV Shows
Utah's Favorite "Guilty Pleasure" TV Shows
Utah's Favorite "Guilty Pleasure" TV Shows
Listen, we all do things we're not proud of. The older I get, the less I believe in GUILTY PLEASURES.  To me, they're just PLEASURES.  I mean, unless you're in Middle School or on the internet, most people don't care what you do in your personal life. Is Mi...
WOW! Southern Utah Woman Wins The Price Is Right!
WOW! Southern Utah Woman Wins The Price Is Right!
WOW! Southern Utah Woman Wins The Price Is Right!
Being on The Price Is Right has been a dream for MANY people growing up... Well, for Jamie Nelson Holt, this dream QUICKLY became a reality! 23 years ago, Jamie showed up in Burbank in hopes of being a contestant on THE PRICE IS RIGHT...
Comfort TV Shows Utah Will Watch Over And Over Again
Comfort TV Shows Utah Will Watch Over And Over Again
Comfort TV Shows Utah Will Watch Over And Over Again
Picture it: You just came home from a long day at work. All the kids are occupied and pleasantly happy.   Your spouse has taken care of dinner and cleaned the house(shhh...let me dream).  You go straight to your room, plop yourself on the bed and pick up the remote. Your m...