weird laws

Come On! Let’s Make These Crimes LEGAL In Southern Utah!
Come On! Let’s Make These Crimes LEGAL In Southern Utah!
Come On! Let’s Make These Crimes LEGAL In Southern Utah!
There's some crimes that will get you locked up here... And I think it's CRAP! Here's my list of CRIMES that should be totally legal in Southern Utah, but aren't... Toilet Papering: I NEVER did this as a kid, but I remember it was done to our house once...
If You Do THIS In Utah, You Could Get ARRESTED?!
If You Do THIS In Utah, You Could Get ARRESTED?!
If You Do THIS In Utah, You Could Get ARRESTED?!
Remember being a kid riding your bike? Maybe you'd show off for your friends and do some tricks! Maybe you pulled the old "LOOK MA! NO HANDS!" JAIL! INSTANT JAIL! Did you know in the State of Utah, it is actually ILLEGAL to operate a bike or motorcycle with NO HANDS...
Don’t Do THIS In Utah! It Could Land You In Jail!
Don’t Do THIS In Utah! It Could Land You In Jail!
Don’t Do THIS In Utah! It Could Land You In Jail!
Remember being a kid riding your bike? Maybe you'd show off for your friends and do some tricks! Maybe you pulled the old "LOOK MA! NO HANDS!" JAIL! INSTANT JAIL! Did you know in the State of Utah, it is actually ILLEGAL to operate a bike or motorcycle with NO HANDS...
Is It Legal In Utah To Sleep In Your Car?
Is It Legal In Utah To Sleep In Your Car?
Is It Legal In Utah To Sleep In Your Car?
I FREAKING LOVE NAPS. If I ever have a choice between Taking a nap and Doing anything else 10/10 I will choose to take a nap. Okay except if I'm offered the choice of eating cookies, then I might eat the cookies.  But AFTER I eat those cookies, I'm definitely going to take a nap. I guess yo...