This Beloved Christmas Song NEEDS to be CANCELLED!
People have tried to cancel the Christmas Favorite: "Baby, It's Cold Outside", but I have ANOTHER Christmas song that needs to be cancelled: The Twelve Days Of Christmas.
The song opens up about a man getting his gal some Christmas Gifts and he's trying to make it special for her... and MAN, OH MAN DID IT BACKFIRE!
Here is a list of the gifts he got for her:
1. 1 Partridge in a pear tree.
2. 2 Turtle Doves.
3. 3 French Hens
4. 4 Calling Birds
5. 5 Golden Rings
6. 6 Geese Laying Eggs.
7. 7 Swans that are actually swimming.
8. 8 Maids that are milking REAL COWS.
9. 9 Dancing girls.
10. 10 guys that are jumping all over the room. These guys are actual "Lords" too.
11. 11 Pipers that are playing the pipe. I imagine it's something like a flute, or a clarinet.
12. 12 dudes that are just WAILING on the drums! Ever been around ONE GUY playing the drums?? Try 12!
SHEER MADNESS! This guy may have actually hated his girlfriend and wanted her to PAY for something! Come Christmas morning, inside her home she will have the following: 50 people in her house, jumping, dancing, and playing their instruments, 8 cows, and 23 birds.
That is a Christmas morning that NOBODY would want, and someone needs to be held accountable for RUINING Christmas!
Gifs by: Giphy.com

Be The Funniest Person At Christmas With These Home Alone Quotes!
Are you like me? Do you quote movies ALL THE TIME? Two of the most quotable Christmas Movies ever has gotta be Home Alone & Home Alone 2: Lost In New York!
Twitter user @ Tiffanee_Dawn asked her followers "Are there any lines for Home Alone 1 or 2 that you quote all the time?" And her responses BLEW UP!
Here are the BEST QUOTES from Home Alone 1 & 2 that you need to say to your family over the holiday:
"Fuller! Go easy on the Pepsi!" (ANY and EVERYTIME you see someone drinking Pepsi like nobody's business, you're required to say this!)
"Look whatcha did ya little jerk!" (Anytime someone slightly messes up or spills a drink)
"Kevin! You're such a disease!" (Only works if you have an annoying family member named Kevin)
"Buzz, your girlfriend... Woof!" (When your brother brings back a home CREATURE of a girlfriend.)
"Credit Card? You got it!" (Anytime you go to pay for ANYTHING between December 20th-25th)
"Don't you know how to knock, Phlegm Wad?" (When your drunk uncle walks in on you sitting on the toilet)
"Right in the schoz!" (When you witness your dad punch his brother in the nose in the front yard)
"Keep the change, ya filthy animal." (When you tip your waitress at Denny's, obviously!)
"I wouldn't let you sleep in my room... If you were growing on my A*S!" (When your little cousin asks if they can spend the night in your room with you.)
And of course:
Gif credit: Giphy.com
Credit: 20th Century Studios (The Walt Disney Company)

WEIRD TO SEE: Southern Utah Cities Featured In New Video Game!
Back in our day there was Atari, Tetris, Mario, Duck Hunt, Donkey Kong, Pong, and more. Today, there are THOUSANDS of different video games for whatever mood you're in! Well, I've just come across a new game called American Truck Simulator: Utah. In this game you literally just pretend you're driving a big rig all across the state! It's actually pretty impressive when you see how they've created these Southern Utah cities! St. George, Cedar City, The Gorge, Kanab, and more!
We start out in the Gorge, which is not technically Utah, but it's still pretty incredible, before making a stop at the Port of Entry on the South side of town.
Next, we're taking I-15 North, we pass the Brigham Road exit in Bloomington, a sign for Dixie State University, and the St. George Boulevard Exit:
Now we're cruising downtown... St. George looks very different, but also very much the same! Somehow the Courthouse got placed next to the Tabernacle off of Main Street! But thank goodness they've included our roundabouts that everybody in town LOVES!
We're jumping back on I-15, where you can see us headed Northbound past the mall! They've included an exit off I-15 which I would LOVE, and apparently the Arctic Circle off Red Cliffs Drive is now a power plant!
And surprise! Now we're in Cedar City aka Festival City, USA!
The Lighthouse is there, and the Cedar City temple can be seen in the distance! The temple has completely moved, somehow but it's still visible!
And before the nighttime hits, and we take a rest at a truck stop, we've also stopped to see Kanab tonight!

Katy Perry Music Video Shot In St. George, Utah!
Have you ver heard of the term "An oldie but a goodie"? Well that's exactly what this song and music video is. Katy Perry's 2016 hit "Rise" was the official song of the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. But did you know that the Rise music video was shot almost exclusively right here in Southern Utah? That's right! It's one of the most gorgeous music videos of all time, and it was shot in Snow Canyon State Park and Sand Hollow Reservoir. The video has over 213,000,000 views, and for good reason! It's gorgeous!
In the making of the video for Rise, Katy says, "Hey guys, we're out here in Utah. This is not all CGI, we're not in a backlot of a studio... It's beautiful around here, the scenery. It's very National Geographic. I'm getting very dirty." Katy admits this is one of the harder music videos she's ever done. "Why do I continually do this to myself?!"
Perry continued, "We went to Utah. We went to Los Angeles. It's been a great 3 days, it's been very physically tough and trying and hot. I should have gotten into better shape!"
Below is the Rise official music video, as well as the making of the music video, both on Katy Perry's Youtube Channel. I hope you enjoy!

Southern Utah's COOLEST Celebrity Sightings!
Yellowstone star, Kevin Costner:
Nikki Thurnau: "Met Kevin Costner on Tech Ridge last January"
Leonel Renteria: "I got to see Kevin Costner last week it was awesome" at The Dixie Convention Center.
Channing Tatum:
Channing Tatum celebrated his birthday in "The middle of nowhere" at the sand dunes at Sand Hollow!
Ashton Pearson: "... He's such a nice guy!"
Rockstar, Kardashian Husband, Travis Barker:
Alicia Langrell: "Travis Barker I served on him and his kids at Denny's"
Actor, John Michael Higgins:
Maddison Diaz: "A couple years ago we saw John Michael Higgins at Nielsen's Frozen Custard"
Jackass Star, Wee Man:
Bre Michelle Lewis "We met Wee Man at the opening of Chronic Tacos. Pretty cool dude!"
Kayla Hodson: "Wee Man at Wing Nuts"
NASCAR God, Richard Petty:
Erik Young: "I met Richard Petty in Cedar City!"
NBA All-Star, Kevin Love:
Landen Reynolds: "Does Bryce Canyon count? Ran into KLove!"
Criminal Minds Star, Matthew Gray Gubler:
Annette Wager Kuddes: "Matthew Gray Gubler!"
Jennifer Wilson: "My son did at Lins in Cedar"
Leslie Kay: "I got to meet Matthew Gray Gubler!"
High School Musical Star, Corbin Bleu:
Airyka Mitchell: "I met Corbin Bleu at Wendy's in 1st grade when they were filming High School Musical 2"
Motocross star, Jeremy McGrath:
Amber Farmer: "Jeremy McGrath. He was here for an event at Sand Hollow. He parked his trailer at our house, so I asked for a pic In exchange."
Yellowstone Star, Forrie J. Smith:
NBA Star, Space Jam Star, Shawn Bradley:
Maddison Diaz: "Also a couple years ago, Shawn Bradley at Little Caesar's (This was when he lived here)"
Actor, James Cromwell:
Meranda Hendrickson: "I met James Cromwell the Dr. from American Horror Story when I worked for a cafe in Springdale. It was really awesome we got this picture because he wasn't really putting it out there who he was. I just loved that show and couldn't contain myself."
Actor, James Woods:
Leslie Kay: "I got to meet James Woods!"
Pawn Stars, Chum Lee:
Brooke Nyberg: "Chum Lee at Maverick!"
Music Stars, Vince Gill and Amy Grant:
Misty Trujillo: "I served Vince Gill and his wife Amy Grant, both days they were here in St. George performing at Tuacahn."
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