5 New Year Resolutions You Will Definitely Want To Add To Your List
Everyone makes the resolutions to lose weight, eat healthy and get organized.
Those are great but you need to have some fun and have something great to look forward to....
Make some FUN resolutions this year!
Here are the top 5 FUN New Year resolutions.
#5 Try New Food
Even if you are not usually bold or daring with your food choices, your taste buds change! You can get used to healthier choices or exotic dishes.
Try a vegetable you used to dread or something spicy. The more you try, the more interesting you become and the more you have to talk about. So get out there and learn a new recipe or try an restaurant you haven't before.
Caution: They can't all be winners.
#4 Give Out Compliments
I am going to try and give out a compliment everyday. Like, sincere compliments.
I am going to be very specific and detailed. This will do nothing but spread goodness and make peoples days. Plus you will feel great sharing the love and focusing on the positive. It might even change your day more than you think. Look out for new opportunities.
#3 Visit Interesting Places And Take A Selfie
This doesn't have to be expensive. You can visit somewhere local that you haven't been and make a memory.
I am going to be exploring my local area this year. There is plenty I haven't seen or experienced. When it get's a little warmer, I am going to be heading to Little Jamaica also known as Littlefield Springs. It is about a 30 minute drive from St. George in Littlefield Arizona. It is along the Virgin River and apparently there are some small waterfalls.
#2 Do Random Acts Of Kindness
Put Monday November 13th on your calendar because it is world Kindness Day and we should celebrate together.
Random Acts of Kindness are fun weather you are doing them alone, in a group or family. Pick something to do and just be brave and go do it. Pay it forward in line, Pay off someone's lunch fees, donate to the local shelter, make toiletry packs to hand out to those in need and just be more aware of your surroundings. You can do more good than you think you can.
#1 Plan Activities To Look Forward To
You can plan more camping, lunch dates, road trips or vacations.
I am going to go to more concerts this year.
I am planning ahead so I have the money. Make a totally different savings just for your fun! If you have something to look forward to, then you will be happier and less stressed.
What are some unique and fun resolutions I should add to my list?
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