If You Want Your LIBERAL Friends To Vote For Trump… SHOW THEM THIS!
We're getting DANGEROUSLY close to "Election Time." In just over ONE YEAR, it will be Election Day and we'll be voting on our President for the next 4 years. It SEEMS that it's going to be a rematch of Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump.
If you're REALLY HOPING for Donald Trump's Presidency in 2024, I'm here to help you trick your Liberal friends into voting TRUMP on Election Day! Just show them these VERY doctored photos.
Trump At A Rally:
I'm not exactly sure what rally Trump is out supporting in this photo, but his shirt is off, and I had NO CLUE he had all those tattoos on his arms and chest! WOW!
Trump at another Rally, but a little more professional:
Again, I'm not sure what rally he's at, but it looks like he's got a ton of support. He's also been working on his physique since he left the White House! I especially love that he's gone full shirt off, but still going collar and tie to be professional!
Very Liberal Trump Drinking Starbucks:
He's got on a beautiful leather blazer, going purple on purple and apparently stole sunglasses from Elton John! That guy is Liberal isn't he?! Plus... STARBUCKS?! DEFINITELY LIBERAL!
Trump at a parade!
Trump is happy and smiling at a parade... is that a Gay Pride Parade?! It could be, he's got the rainbow flag waving behind him and it looks like everyone behind him is happy to see him! If you're a liberal, Trump could be the guy for you!
Now, if you want a good laugh, go back and read the comments of people calling for my head like these are ACTUAL photos and not EXTREMELY Doctored!

If You Want Your CONSERVATIVE Friends To Vote BIDEN... Show Them This!
We're getting DANGEROUSLY close to "Election Time." In just over ONE YEAR, it will be Election Day and we'll be voting on our President for the next 4 years. It SEEMS that it's going to be a rematch of Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump.
If you're REALLY HOPING for another 4 years of Joe Biden, I'm here to help you trick your Conservative friends into voting BIDEN on Election Day! Just show them these VERY doctored photos.
Cowboy Biden with AR-15:
Wow! Is that Biden with an American Flag Cowboy hat, holding an AR-15, with a stars & stripes shirt?! That's amazing! Maybe he's not as liberal as we thought he was...
Biden throwing back a cold one at a dive bar!
Look at Biden! He's a politician for the people! He's even been in the weight room too. Maybe he's more conservative than we ever thought!
Rolled-up sleeves, totally conservative Biden:
There's fire going on behind him, a giant American Flag, and the loose tie tells me he's been out there doing a little manual labor out on the election trail! Wow!
Shotgun-Wielding Biden on a Horse:
No Liberal would ever have a shotgun in their hands, while sitting on the back of a gorgeous American horse, with a giant American Flag hanging in the back!
Joe Biden HUNTING?!
Our Commander In Chief is out there in Camouflage hunting like a good American that we can trust! He's even throwing back an AMERICAN MADE Beer! This just screams "AMERICA!"
Now, if you want a good laugh, go back and read the comments of people calling for my head like these are ACTUAL photos and not EXTREMELY Doctored!

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