best fast food

Southern Utah’s BEST Fast Food Breakfast Places Are…
Southern Utah’s BEST Fast Food Breakfast Places Are…
Southern Utah’s BEST Fast Food Breakfast Places Are…
If you're anything like me... you LOVE Fast-Food Breakfast! It's AMAZING. Why don't more restaurants do breakfast ALL DAY? Is it really that hard to fry an egg or a sausage patty at 4 in the afternoon?! Shouldn't be that hard! All these restaurants go on and on about FRESHNESS, but for some reason you can't make a fresh sausage egg and cheese...
My Apology To Del Taco… I’m SO SORRY!
My Apology To Del Taco… I’m SO SORRY!
My Apology To Del Taco… I’m SO SORRY!
My entire life I've had a VERY STRONG opinion about a restaurant that I've never had. I thought this restaurant was terrible, not worth my money, not worth my time, gross food. And for some reason... I decided to give it a try, and I WAS SHOCKED...