Southern Utah’s BEST Fast Food Breakfast Places Are…
If you're anything like me... you LOVE Fast-Food Breakfast! It's AMAZING. Why don't more restaurants do breakfast ALL DAY? Is it really that hard to fry an egg or a sausage patty at 4 in the afternoon?! Shouldn't be that hard! All these restaurants go on and on about FRESHNESS, but for some reason you can't make a fresh sausage egg and cheese? COME ON!
Here are the TOP places to get FAST FOOD BREAKFAST in Southern Utah!
1. Burger King:
People crap on the BK all the time... That's fine if you're not into The Whopper, but you NEED to try their breakfast! Great biscuit, good egg, good sausage, good cheese! Plus their hash browns are good too! They're like... tots, but flat. They can be really good or really bad. GOOD LUCK!
2. McDonald's:
This is the Gold Standard when it comes to fast food breakfast! It's solid. You know what you're going to get. I put it JUST BELOW Burger King, but their breakfast is SO GOOD TOO! Plus... Can you beat the McDonald's Hash Brown?!
3. Chick-Fil-A:
If you haven't tried Chick-Fil-A's breakfast menu, that needs to be on your list! It tastes VERY FRESH! Their hash browns are the same as Burger King's, the flat tots. I really like the bacon at Chick-Fil-A more than the sausage, which I can't say the same at any other fast food joint.
4. Jack In The Box:
Jack In The Box has a pretty good breakfast to be honest! PLUS, they're the ONLY ONE that serves it ALL. DAY. LONG. It's solid, but I still prefer the other a little more. Their hash browns are like McDonalds though, instead of the tots from Chick-Fil-A and BK.
5. Carls Jr.
Carls Jr. does a REALLY GOOD breakfast sandwich! Once again... I usually get the same thing! Biscuit, Egg, Cheese, Sausage. Carls Jr. claims they bake their biscuits every morning! YES. We love freshness!
6. Wendy's:
Wendy's is new to the Breakfast Game, but they're showing up in a big way! Their food tastes VERY FRESH, but they're still... just not my favorite. But they take a BIG SWING. They do Chicken Sandwiches, Sausage, Bacon, a big variety! But, they don't do hash browns. They do Potato Wedges, and they're GREAT honestly! They taste like a potato wedge had a baby with an Arby's curly fry! Really great!
7. Taco Bell:
This one is interesting... Taco Bell is fairly new to the breakfast game (In the last 10 years), but every time I've had it... It's only okay. However, when I talk about Fast Food Breakfast, A BIG MAJORITY tells me how Taco Bell is their favorite! I'm just not there yet!
What do you think? Who has the BEST FAST FOOD BREAKFAST in Southern Utah? (Mexican Restaurants and Taco shops don't count. Fast food chains only!)

Southern Utah's BEST Homemade Ramen Recipe!
I grew up on Top Ramen, but now that I'm older I've discovered ACTUAL RAMEN, and it's probably my favorite! This weekend I decided to try my own HOMEMADE Ramen, and it's SERIOUSLY INCREDIBLE! The best part: It's REALLY inexpensive too!
1. Two packages of Chicken Ramen Express by Chef Woo.
Vegetarian, No Dairy, and no MSG, made in the USA, baby! They cook in 3 minutes once the water is boiling!
2. 3 Cups Great Value Chicken Broth (1 cup water)
This chicken broth was like $1.90 and obviously WAY BETTER than just water for your ramen! The Ramen calls for 2 cups of water per package. I will do at least 1 1/12 cup chicken broth and 1/2 cup water for more flavor!
3. Half Can Great Value Sweet Corn
Adding corn to ramen seems so simple.. But it makes a HUGE difference! Throw it in when the noodles are soft and boiling.
4. A few splashes of Soy Sauce
This helps with the flavor just a little bit. I probably do 4 or 5 splashes into the boiling ramen!
5. Great Value Parmesan Cheese
Throw this on top after your ramen, and ramen seasoning is in your bowl! I love it. A lot of people don't do parmesan on their ramen, but it's SO GOOD!
5. French Fried Onions
I would've never thought these could be SO GOOD in ramen, but they are! They get soft, and add that onion flavor. SO SO SO GOOD!
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