Discover the hidden dangers in Utah beyond wildlife encounters and road accidents. Learn about safety challenges related to crime rates and efforts to enhance community resilience.
Walk, bike, or roll with Iron County students on October 9th for National Walk and Roll to School Day. Let's make our school commute safe, fun, and educational!
When it comes to the WORST PLACES you've ever lived, what made it so bad? Bad neighbors? Awful weather? Crime? Or was it just flat out BORING? Money Inc. recently compiled a list of the WORST places to live in all of Utah. This list is based on several factors that impact a location's desirability...
Rockstar and Utah resident Austin Post, better known as Post Malone took the stage in Salt Lake City this past weekend. While performing, Post Malone took a break to talk to the crowd about his love for the state of Utah.
When you think of a place with a great burger, maybe you think of a fast food restaurant, or a mom & pop shop, or maybe a chain like Chili's or Applebees. Most people wouldn't think their favorite burger is located in an old bowling alley. We...