EW! Ranking The WORST Utah Jazz Jerseys Of All Time
For years, the Jazz were our ONLY professional team in Utah. We've been through extreme highs, and extreme lows. We've been to the NBA Finals, and we've also been one of the worst teams in the entire league. We've had GORGEOUS uniforms, and we've had HEINOUS jerseys.
Here are the 5 WORST Utah Jazz jerseys of ALL TIME:
5. Forbidden Blue, 2004-2010
I actually really liked the rebrand to powder blue & navy blue... But this jersey ain't it, man! This was so basic and ugly. We also, got the closest we've been to winning a championship since Stockton & Malone. If we would've won the championship this jersey would be hanging in the rafters forever. YIKES!
4. Forest Green Meets Mustard, 2018-2019:
The Jazz experimented with a lot of green, but forest green paired with mustard? No. That's not a good look. Luckily, these uniforms didn't last long.
3. Shockingly Bright Christmas Gift, 2020-2021:
These uniforms are called "Earned Jerseys". The NBA Awarded Earned Jerseys to teams that made the playoffs the previous year. The first time the Jazz wore these were on Christmas Day. They're very bright, but pretty boring. They're one of our very worst.
2. Reflective Vest, 2022-Present:
The current uniform we have now looks like a joke right? This is serious. The neon highlighter yellow can be cool... but when it's paired with those silver reflective stripes, and the basic "JAZZ" letters?! SO BAD! But... It's not the worst thing we've ever had. It's close, though.
1. Sleeves. Yes... Sleeves, 2016-2017:
Yes, this jersey actually had sleeves. It makes you wonder if they played in matching pants. Thank goodness, they didn't. But this thing is such a monstrosity, I can't believe it ever got approval. This looks like a soccer jersey. Everything is bad about it.

Three AMAZING Soups In Southern Utah That Will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
One of the BEST parts of autumn is absolutely SOUP SEASON! I am an absolute Soup Fiend! I can sniff out a good soup nearly everywhere!
Here is my list of some of the best places to get soup in Southern Utah!
You're probably shocked to see that Durango's is on my list, much less... AT THE TOP OF MY LIST! But Durango's has a Chicken Tortilla Soup that is KILLER! It is hands down, my favorite soup in the area. The broth is amazing, it has shredded chicken in it, cheese, pico (if you want it) and they give you tortilla chip strips that you can put in it. It is INCREDIBLE.
Panda Garden, the best Chinese restaurant in town has my ALMOST FAVORITE soup in town, and that is the Egg Drop Soup (Some call it egg flower soup). It's delicious, and they give you these fried things that I call "Crunchies" that you drop into the soup. The more than I'm talking about it, the more that I believe it's my FAVORITE SOUP... This is hard!
Zupas is another local Utah company, and they've got LOTS of different soups. However, their Wisconsin Cauliflower soup is SO GOOD! It doesn't sound good. Cauliflower soup? No. BUT it actually is so good, and doesn't even taste like gnarly cauliflower. I add cheddar and bacon to mine, and I can never get enough!

The 10 ABSOLUTE WORST Things About Living In St. George, Utah!
I've been in St. George my WHOLE LIFE! Born and raised, baby! I love it here, but in my 32 years here, I can see the bad things about living here too. I've compiled an entire list, and if you're one that gets offended... BUCKLE UP!
1. Old-Timey Drivers:
Lots of drivers over the age of 80 driving around. They like to drive very slow and safe, which is fantastic! Also, the blinker either stays on for at least 30 seconds, or no more than 1 second. There is NO in between!
2. Round-A-Bouts:
I understand they're difficult to grasp, but it is a CIRCLE-OF-DEATH around these parts! People will drift into on-coming traffic, no yielding, too much yielding, or just straight up going THE WRONG WAY!
3. Old-Timey Drivers IN Round-A-Bouts:
This is like when an immovable object meets an unstoppable force. NOTHING GOOD HAPPENS HERE! This is where things get REALLY interesting! Once, I about went HEAD-ON with an old gal (About 85) going the wrong direction, with her mouth wide open. She was DEFINITELY screaming!
4. Seat Belt Brands:
If you're here in the summer, you've got to be careful out here! Those seat belts will straight up BRAND YOU if you're not careful. The inside of the car reaches AT LEAST 150 degrees, and that metal gets SO HOT!
5. Sunday Restaurant Hours:
Drive down Bluff Street on a Sunday around 6 p.m... It is a GHOST TOWN! If you want to find somewhere to eat, GOOD LUCK! It's going to be tough. Fast Food will be open, but anywhere else? That's going to be a tough one!
6. Lack Of Water Park:
COME ON GUYS! Let's do a water park! The St. George City Pool Hydro-Tube is dope, but it's humiliating when a 14 year old kid blows his whistle at me while doing chicken fights with the boys!
7. No Cheesecake Factory within 100 miles:
This is some B.S.! I need a Cheesecake Factory! It's worth getting fat for.
8. May - October:
It's just miserable. It's SO HOT! The temp hits 95 degrees and you think "WOW... It can't get hotter!", and suddenly it's 115 and we have boob sweat everywhere we go. But then someone from Florida shows up and says "At least it's a dry heat!"
If you're lucky enough to live somewhere that DOESN'T get the Scorp-o's... COUNT. YOUR. BLESSINGS! I've been stung 3 times, and it sucks SO BAD! You're numb for days!
10. The people that comment on this telling me "If you don't like it here, leave.":
LOL... Just laugh at my stories. Stop taking me so seriously. It's going to be okay!

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