Attn: New Traffic Pattern I-15 Exit 8 Onto St George BLVD
Just recently the traffic pattern changed on I-15 exit 8 southbound exiting the freeway onto St George BLVD.
There are 2 exit lanes from the freeway that used to split and have 2 lanes go left (east) and one lane go right (west) and then split again before the light.
Crews have scrubbed the paint on the road and almost exactly flip flopped the traffic pattern.
Now It splits and one lane goes left (east) and splits again before you get to the light and 2 lanes go right (west).
It is a simple change that you need to be aware of but seems intuitive. For years I have thought that the change is how the pattern should be.
It should be good for greatly diminishing backed up traffic exiting the freeway. During the many events that occur in St George, exit 8 can back up and impede traffic on I-15 for hours and days depending on the event.
I am sure they will do a total repaint soon but for now it is a little hard to see if you are not looking for it. If you Use Exit 8 to head east off of I-15 then you will need to be aware of the shift in lanes and create a new habit. Road crews have been working on I-15 all summer and it looks like they are making amazing strides to get 3 lanes in and a new exit into St George. Thank you to all of the hard working crews!