Interesting! Utah: Is Daylight Savings Time Here To Stay?
Signed into law in 2020, Utah's move to permanent daylight saving time is contingent on Congressional approval and at least four other western states also making the move. These can include Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington or Wyoming.
How do we make this happen??? We are scheduled to "Fall Back" on November 5th.
Ok here is my rant. Change my mind....
Changing the clocks twice a year is an absurd practice that should never see the light of day again. Firstly, it disrupts our circadian rhythms and sleep patterns, causing unnecessary stress and sleep deprivation. The shift not only messes with our internal body clocks, but did you know it also leads to a spike in accidents and health issues due to the abrupt change in our schedules? It's as if we willingly subject ourselves to jet lag. Why? The energy-saving argument no longer holds water in our modern, energy-efficient world.
Secondly, the supposed energy savings associated with time changes are highly debatable. In the age of LED lights and energy-efficient appliances, the minuscule reduction in electricity consumption doesn't justify the hassle and potential health risks of altering our daily routines. Plus, who needs more sun in the 5 a.m. hour? Who? Farmers do daylight and seasons, not necessarily time.
Lastly, the act of changing the clocks no longer serves any significant purpose. We are living in an age of automation and digital synchronization. Does anyone have more that one clock they would actually have to change? I say we just stay on Daylight Savings Time and forget to "fall back" this year. Who's with me? Would it really mess up business? I'm sure there is some big valid argument I am missing. If you know what it is, shoot me an email. Aaronee@townsquaremedia.com

I am kind of an herbal nerd. If I can avoid taking medicine at all, I will. I am to the point now, that I don't even have regular cold and flu medicine at my house. We use herbs and tinctures. My mom calls me the family witch doctor. (I am actually back in school to further my nerdy herbal education.)
One of the best natural items to have in your home medicinal arsenal is honey. During flu season, honey can be quite helpful in soothing some of the common symptoms associated with the flu. It's well-known for its soothing properties. When you have a sore throat, nothing coats quite like raw natural honey.
You can mix it with warm water or add it to herbal teas for a comforting and soothing drink that helps alleviate that scratchy throat. On top of that, honey is a natural cough suppressant!
Some studies have shown that it can be as effective as over-the-counter cough medicines in reducing coughing. Like this one from the Mayo Clinic. You just need to get the raw unfiltered stuff. Once you start messing around and heating or processing natural honey, the benefits start decreasing.
You can use honey to harness all sorts of vitamins and minerals from fruits or veggies. Every year I make garlic honey, lemon, turmeric and ginger honey, and onion honey. All of the benefits of honey PLUS all of the medicinal benefits of those powerhouse fruits, roots and veggies.
Honey's immune-boosting properties and the antioxidants it contains can contribute to your overall immune system health, which may help your body fight off infections. It's also a great way to encourage hydration during the flu, as it can make warm beverages more palatable. Keep in mind to use raw, unpasteurized honey for the most potential health benefits, and be cautious not to give honey to children under one year of age due to the risk of botulism.

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