St. George Businesses That NEED To Start Selling Merch!
Every time you go to a concert, you see people selling their "Merch" AKA Merchandise. I love a good Merch Shirt! It definitely helps me remember the occasion!
Here are the Southern Utah Businesses I would DEFINITELY buy merch from if they sold it!
1. D.I. (Deseret Industries)
It's the Mormon Thrift Shop that we all know and love. Also, why does EVERY D.I. have a VERY distinct smell?
2. Judd's Store
Judd's Store dates back to like... The 1500's! Everyone has been to Judd's. Now, you'd probably go for some candy, unique sodas, or soup!
3. Dutchman's Market
So Wilbury Tees is already selling a Dutchman's Market T-shirt with my friend Ginger on it HERE... So I just made MY Dutchman's Market shirt a little bit better!
If you've never been to Dutchman's Market... WHATCHA EVEN DOIN?! It's the gas station ALMOST to Santa Clara. They have a whole section of the store where you can buy crafty stuff, AND an it's an incredibly underrated place to buy cookies and brownies!
4. Durango's!
I LOVE DURANGOS! It goes Durango's, Rio, Costa for me... But that order changes nearly EVERYDAY! It honestly depends on what you're in the mood for!
Soup & Quesadillas? Durangos
Burrito & Dressing? Costa
Salad? Rio!
5. Your Family Still Matters: Paintball, Food Storage and Violins!
This one OBVIOUSLY goes without saying! It's a mouthful, and they do it all! I SO BADLY want this shirt now! Paintball. Food Storage. Violins. Gets me EVERY TIME!
YES: Facebook Groups We NEED In Southern Utah
If you live in Southern Utah, you're probably a part of a few Facebook groups!
The big ones:
- St. George Word of Mouth
- Southern Utah Yard Sale
- What's Happening in Cedar City and Iron County
- St. George Yard Sale
But.. I think we need MORE!
Here are my best ideas for Facebook Groups in Southern Utah!
Can someone please start a group about the traffic in The Gorge? If I'm headed to mesquite, am I going to be stuck for 45 minutes without phone service? Should I go the back way through Ivins! Come on! Someone get this started!
MILFS & DILFS of Southern Utah:
Us parents are getting a little older now, and less hot! We need a confidence boost! You know how good I would feel about myself If someone posted an anonymous photo of me eating all the samples at Costco?! I would LOVE THAT!
Southern Utah Nosy Neighbors:
Screw celebrity gossip! I want to know about your neighbors! Did the cops show up and arrest one of them? I want to know! Did the neighborhood "Karen" call the HOA President about your lawn gnome? I want to know! Did your next door neighbors get into a shirts-off-fist-fight on their front lawn? I want to know about it!
Southern Utah Swingers:
Look... We know they exist! They're here. I just want to know who they are. I'm not wanting to join in on their shenanigans, but I just want to know if anyone I interact with is about that life! It's curiosity more than anything!
Don't Go To These Local Restaurants:
Did you have a bad experience? Do you want to whine about it? I WANT TO HEAR ABOUT IT! Every post can be anonymous. Maybe the server was rude to you, or the food was awful. Honestly, I just want to know before I waste my money there too!
Southern Utah Hidden Cops:
We've all done it... Maybe we're speeding a little and before you know it: BOOM! Cop is there hiding! Let's get an app going for this one as well. Where did you see the cop hiding out? I just want to know to slow down BEFORE I reach that place on Bluff Street!
Southern Utah Missed Connections:
This one would be AWESOME! But only if it's HUGE! Like everyone in town is on it. Have you ever been to like... Albertson's and you keep making eye contact with the cute gal in produce, but you don't have the guts to say anything? Once you leave, post on the page "CUTE GIRL IN PRODUCE AT ALBERTSON'S! I WANT YOU!" Chances are she'll see it and be like "YES! Thank you for posting! I wasn't brave enough either!" This is a great idea! I'm just trying to make a love connection out here!
Utah: TRUE FACTS That Sound Fake!
It's no surprise, Utah is America's favorite state! Here are some FACTS about The Beehive State that sound 100% made up!
Utah has the YOUNGEST population in the nation!
It's true! When you think Utah, you may think OLD TIMERS, RETIRED PEOPLE, GRANDPARENTS! But approximately 30% of Utah is under 18 years old! Utah's average age of the population is 31.5 years old! The next closest is Texas at 35.2. Maine comes in at the oldest in the country with an average age of 45!
Utah is home to the OLDEST theme park in the USA!
Lagoon, baby! Lagoon opened it's doors in 1886! Shoot-the-Chutes was the first ride, a boat ride going down a ramp, splashing into the water! Literally 137 years old! Grover Cleveland was the Pres!
Gayest City in America?
That's right! Salt Lake City was named America's GAYEST city in 2012 by Salt Lake already has a HUGE Pride Parade every June, but they also had International Mr. Leather semifinalist, nude yoga classes, an LGBT bookstore, and Sundance Festival.
The first KFC was in Utah!
The Colonel lived in Utah? That's right! The first KFC is located at 3890 S. State Street, in Salt Lake City. The name 'Kentucky Fried Chicken' actually came from the painter that was creating a sign for 'Harman's Cafe', and the name KFC stuck!
MOST of Utah has very clean, pretty air but NOT Salt Lake City. On August 6, 2021, Salt Lake City had THE WORST AIR QUALITY in the entire WORLD! That inversion will GETCHA!
11 Fun Facts about the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Gallery Credit: Liberty