7 New Slogans For Utah That Are TOTALLY HONEST!
Here in Utah, we've had a few slogans that come to mind. "Greatest Snow On Earth" was one that made all the Colorado people VERY ANGRY! But lately we've transitioned to "Life Elevated" as a slogan on our signs. However, I feel like we could do A WHOLE LOT better when it comes to slogans! Here are my top ideas for the new slogans for Utah are our welcome signs!
I mean, everyone already thinks we have multiple moms and multiple wives here, so WHY NOT?! Let's just go for it... Maybe it'll scare off all those Californians trying to move here! It's worth a shot.
Modest is ABSOLUTELY hottest when you're here in Utah. We don't want to see kneecap or shoulders... Gives us those impure thoughts!
It's just part of the rules here! Coffee is a no-no, but a 48 oz. Soda with coconut cream is okay. Tea is okay if it's cold, but the waters get muddy if the tea is hot... To be honest, I'm not exactly sure of the drink rules in this state!
This is for all our BYU brothers and sisters. It's common knowledge that "Soaking" doesn't count as... well, you know. If you don't know what soaking is, Google it. Actually screw it... It's when a boy and a girl just kinda "do it" without any movement once it's... happening.
Here in Southern Utah, blinkers are TOTALLY optional. You're more likely to see an alien than to see proper signaling. But most of the people driving here were born BEFORE blinkers were invented! So give them a pass, guys! It's new technology to them!
WHOA! Drugs are off-limits in this state! But... We have our own drug, and that is FRY SAUCE! It's the nectar of the Gods! You haven't lived until you've ripped a fat line of fry sauce on your break in the bathroom in your office.
You haven't LIVED until you've made it out of a roundabout alive WHILE someone is going the wrong direction in it. It's like seeing a dog walk on it's hind legs. It's crazy to see, you're going to laugh and you're going to say "WTF MAN!?"

These are St. George's FAVORITE Gas Stations!
What makes a gas station your FAVORITE?
Cleanliness? Proximity to your house or job? Friendly staff?
Well, St. George has voted, and HERE are people's FAVORITE gas stations in town!
Located on Red Cliffs Drive and Green Spring Drive, Hart's has been a staple for YEARS on the East side of town! Growing up, I used to go to this place every week!
Mr. D's:
Located on River Road in Bloomington Hills. Is this place still called Mr. D's? It's been there FOREVER, and everyone has ALWAYS called it Mr. D's!
First Stop (Washington):
This seems to be Washington's FAVORITE gas station! Located on Telegraph, in the absolute HEART of Washington. If you grew up in "Dogtown", you've definitely bought some treats here!
Bloomington Market:
I remember coming here AT LEAST 25 years ago! They used to rent movies, and my mom let me rent "The Brave Little Toaster!" Today, I'm there ALL THE TIME! Especially to get myself some Taco Time. Ooh... Remember when it was Taco Bell?! That was at least 15 years ago!
Dutchman's Market:
Dutchman's Market in Santa Clara! They've even got a nice little bakery where you're going get some DANGGGG GOOD cookies! This was the place to be if you grew up in Santa Clara!
You knew that Maverik had to be on this list SOMEWHERE... and after asking everyone WHICH is the best, I found THIS ONE! South River Road near the original Summit Athletic Club.
Red Cliffs Station (R.I.P.):
I got SO MANY PEOPLE telling me how much they miss this one... The EZ Shoppe! It has a drive thru window! This was WAY BEFORE other gas stations like Fabulous Freddy's had a drive through window! R.I.P. to this King though... This location is now a shopping center with Starbucks and Sleep Number Store (Across the street from Hart's and In-N-Out)

AWESOME! Don't Miss These Concerts Coming To Southern Utah in 2024
Growing up in Southern Utah, we've NEVER been a place where you're going to get BIG concerts, or many concerts in general! We've always had to travel to either Las Vegas or Salt Lake City. But luckily, we're getting a little bigger, and bigger artists are coming to town.
January 17, Electric Theater
The rock band Trapt, best known for their hit song "Head Strong".
The Guess Who:
March 14, Tuacahn
The Canadian rock band from the 1960's-1970's with hits like "American Woman", "These Eyes", and "No Time". They've performed a few times in Mesquite in the late 90's, and they were awesome. I already have my tickets for this show!
Colbie Caillat:
March 21, Tuacahn
Colbie found her fame in the mid 2000's with her hit songs "Bubbly" and "Fallin For You". She's performed on stage at Tuacahn before, and she'll be taking the stage again!
April 11 & 12, Tuacahn:
The British-American Rock band reached their top fame in the 1980's with their hits "I Want To Know What Love Is", "Cold As Ice", and "Hot Blooded" will be hitting Tuacahn's stage on back to back nights!
Martina McBride:
March 22, Tuacahn
If you're a fan of 90's Country, Martina McBride should be able to scratch that itch! You'll remember her hits like "Independence Day", "Concrete Angel", and "A Broken Wing". She'll also be on stage at Tuacahn this spring.
Lee Brice:
March 30, Tuacahn
Lee was here in November of 2020 where he announced he had Covid the day after his show, but he sang his heart out. Lee Brice has songs like "Rumor", "I Don't Dance", and "I Drive Your Truck. Lee Brice is a force in the Country Music industry, and he'll be here this spring as well!
John Tesh
May 11, Utah Tech University
John Tesh is incredibly talented! He's a composer, he's got a big radio show, and you'd definitely know his music. My favorite John Tesh song is "Roundball Rock" which was the theme of NBA on NBC in the 90's! The beset intro song ever. made.
Drew Baldridge
February 17, Washington County Legacy Park
Drew Baldridge is fairly new in the Country Music world, but he still has songs you may know like "Can She Have This Dance" and "She's Somebody's Daughter".
Tracy Byrd & Little Texas:
April 17, Washington County Fair
If you LOVE 90's Country Music, this will be a night you don't want to miss! Tracy Byrd AND Little Texas on the same stage at the Washington County Fair.
Iam Tongi:
April 18, Washington County Fair
I am a HUGE fan of Iam Tongi! He just barely won American Idol this last May, and his music and voice is so great! Iam is from Hawaii, and his music just feels good!
Eli Young Band:
April 19, Washington County Fair
I'm a huge fan of Eli Young Band, and I'm so excited they'll be in town! They've got hit songs like "Saltwater Gospel", "Love Ain't", and "Drunk Last Night". They'll be at the County Fair and you can get tickets to see them, Iam Tongi, and Tracy Byrd & Little Texas at Washcofair.net
KottonMouth Kings:
January 25, Blackbird Bar, Cedar City, Utah
The KottonMouth Kings are a hip-hop group out of California who are advocates for legalized cannabis. They've got hit songs like "Proud to Be a Stoner", "Reefer Madness", and "Tangerine Sky". And they'll be at Blackbird Bar in Cedar!
July 24, Blackbird Bar, Cedar City, Utah
Blackbird Bar is bringing in another concert! This time on the 24th of July, and it's Afroman! You've gotta know Afroman from his BIGGEST song "Because I Got High".

How To Get The NEW Black & White Utah License Plates
Here in Utah, we have the BEST license plate in the game... The Arches plate. Orange, Blue, White. GORGEOUS. But all the sudden, we suddenly have THE TOUGHEST plate of all time: Black & White! And you can get it on your car today!
I saw this from Twitter user: @SplashNephew where he posted these new Black & White plates on his Volvo (Below).
Twitter blew up with people wondering HOW? How can we all get these plates on our cars? Firstly: These are special plates that require annual contributions to the Utah Historical Society. Meaning, you will pay $25 for an initial contribution, and $25/year as an annual contribution. Here is a STEP BY STEP on HOW to get these plates!
- It can be obtained at ANY DMV office and will be mailed from the Utah State Tax Commission.
- To order this plate by mail, submit a copy of your current registration, any documentation required for the special plate, and a check that includes the cost of the special plate, plus $4.00 for postage to: Utah State Tax Commission, Motor Vehicle Division, P.O. Box 30412, Salt Lake City, UT, 84130.
These plates, NO DOUBT, will start showing up all over the place, so get yours today! I'm THRILLED these are finally available in Utah!

Wow! Utah's Next License Plates??
Utah's license plates are... OKAY. The Arches plate is AMAZING, but the others? Ehh...
I decided to design the NEXT license plates for MY HOME STATE: Utah!
1. The Dixie Plate:
There's not a chance this thing will fly, but I want it! I'd have it tomorrow! Fairly simple, but gives the St. George Pride Vibe with the sunset behind it. Showing clear skies that we get nearly everyday in St. George.
2. Modern Utah Jazz Plate:
No. Forget what I said on the Dixie Plate. I would have THIS ONE on my car tomorrow! The Jazz just did a whole new rebrand and they're keeping it simple. Bright yellow with the black. It pops. I love this plate!
3. The Beehive Plate:
The Beehive State, The Beehive Plate. An actual hive in the background with gooey honey running behind the numbers. This one would be the most UNIQUE plate in the world, and I'm kind of crazy about it!
4. The Elk Plate:
This ones for all the dudes out there. The Elk is the state animal of Utah, and I know there would be TONS of back-country folk that would sport this bad boy! Come on!
5. The Fry Sauce Plate:
Our most VALUABLE resource: Fry Sauce! It's a Utah staple, and it's GLORIOUS! In Fry Sauce We Trust!
6. The Califutah Plate.
This one is made for all those Californian's moving to Utah and trying to turn Utah into California. It's essentially the California license plate with Utah instead of California... Just to make them a little more comfy here.
See! It's a dead ringer! They'd LOVE IT!
Who do we need to send these to? Let's have the MOST AWESOME plates in the nation! Come on, Utah!

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